Carma Dental

Emergency Dental Clinic Oakville

Carma Dental Offers various professional services, including an emergency dental clinic in Oakville. The dental emergency services in Oakville are available on weekends and nights. It’s essential to offer these outside of regular business hours so that we can look after any dental emergencies as soon as they occur.

The emergency dentistry in Oakville provided by Carma Dental prioritizes rapid assessments, diagnosis and treatments. Our priority is alleviating severe pain, addressing any trauma to your teeth, mouth or face and controlling bleeding from accidents and injuries.

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Emergency Dentistry Oakville

Our clinic is designed to handle many dental emergencies, from knocked out to chipped teeth and severe toothaches. We can also look after severe infections. 

Our team understands that dental emergencies can take many different forms and that some accidents and injuries are more urgent than others. Get in touch immediately if you’re suffering from one of these situations. 

  • Any trauma that involves the bones in your face and can potentially compromise your airway.
  • Anything involving uncontrolled bleeding from accidents or trauma to your mouth and or teeth.
  • Severe tooth pain that can be the result of dying pulp and or decay.

Our team can also look after other accidents and injuries, including abscesses and infections.

When you come to our clinic, you’ll get emergency dentistry in Oakville, which includes the best follow-up care. Our staff is equipped to handle many different types of dental emergencies. Our priorities ensure a broad range of your dental care needs can be met quickly and compassionately.  Don’t forget that our emergency dentistry in Oakville also offers guidance on the best ways to deal with issues before you come to see us.
Our dental emergency services in Oakville are also interested in being proactive. That’s why we suggest preventative measures like wearing mouthguards while you’re playing sports. Some of the other reasons we treat patients with dental emergencies include car accidents and work-related mishaps. Even improper use of your teeth, like opening bottles and chewing ice, can cause a problem that can only be fixed at our clinic.

Here are some of the more common dental issues our dental emergency services in Oakville handle.

If you’re suffering from acute pain in one or more teeth, there might be a severe infection or abscess. Some of the symptoms you’ll need to watch out for are persistent throbbing pain and a fever.

Look for swelling in your jaw or face because that can suggest an abscess. 

A bacterial infection can cause this pocket of pus to become a severe issue. Abscesses can occur in different areas of a tooth and quickly become a dental emergency.

Watch out for the following symptoms, which include extreme sensitivity to hot and cold and or open sores on your gums.

One of the other symptoms that will tell you you need to see our emergency dental services in Oakville are swollen lymph nodes.  This issue won’t go away without proper treatment, and another primary symptom is difficulty swallowing and breathing.

These are often the result of an accident or trauma. You can lose the tooth or suffer significant damage if they’re not correctly cared for in a specific time.

If a chip runs deep enough, it will affect the nerve and cause severe pain. A chipped tooth can have sharp edges that can cut your gums, cheek, or tongue, leading to more severe injuries.

A knocked-out tooth usually bleeds quite a bit.  Emergency Dentistry in Oakville can help to control that.  Watch out for severe pain and swelling when a tooth has been chipped or knocked out. That could be an indication of even more trauma to the jaw and tissues surrounding it. You’ll need professional treatment and assessment if you suffer from any of these symptoms. 

This is another reason why you’ll need to come in. This is an emergency, especially when the bleeding is persistent and unexplained. Teeth that have become loose or shifted in position simultaneously make the situation more immediate.

Bad breath and a foul taste in your mouth are other symptoms of a dental emergency.

These are just some of the situations that would require a visit to an emergency dental clinic in Oakville. 

Our Emergency Dental Clinic in Oakville

Carma Dental is proud to have an emergency dental clinic in Oakville. It looks after everything from lost fillings to fractures and tooth chips that cause severe pain to your teeth or soft tissue.

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