Carma Dental

TMJ Therapy in Oakville

Carma Dental offers various services that will keep your smile bright and your mouth healthy, including TMJ Therapy in Oakville. We offer solutions that include Botox and oral appliances that make a difference.

We take pride in supplying state-of-the-art procedures custom-made to your individual treatment needs.  Our priority is always to ensure patients are satisfied with treatment results that serve longevity and oral function. 

Appointment Request

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our dental clinic in Oakville at (905) 842-2626 or use the contact form below.

Our approach to TMJ issues often uses different devices that can correct jaw misalignments. Unfortunately, misalignments in the temporomandibular joints are frequently overlooked. These issues can be a source of neck and severe head pain.

Connecting The Lower Jaw

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw to one of the skull’s bones. These flexible joints enable the jaw to move up and down smoothly, yawn, chew, and talk. 

Carma  Dental supplies an outstanding therapy for this problem, and we want our patients to have all the information they need. Making the decision that’s right for you starts with understanding some of the symptoms, including: 

  • Chronic fatigue and ringing in the ears.
  • A series of crackling sounds that pop or click in and around the ear.
  •  Some patients report pain when they close and open their mouths, as well as soreness and tenderness in their jaws.
  • Toothaches are another common symptom of this issue.

Our approach to TMJ  therapy in Oakville is different. We understand that each person is an individual, so we’ll find the option that’s right for you.

These products are specifically designed for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD). It’s essential to remember that night guards and sports cards do their best work when they are custom-fitted and designed.  They offer the best protection and comfort to reduce the risk of aggravating your symptoms.

Night Guards, also known as occlusion splints, are designed to be worn while the patient sleeps. We understand how painful and complex these conditions can be, and that’s why we can fashion these oral appliances individually.

These custom-made removable devices play a vital role in managing this disorder. We carefully design them to fit over your upper and lower teeth so that you’ll have a more stable bite that reduces muscle tension and alleviates pain while protecting your teeth from the effects of grinding.

Sports Guards at Carma Dental

Another option at Carma Dental is sports guards, which we can produce for our patients. These are also custom-made and can protect teeth and dental restorations.  Patients who grind their teeth can find these beneficial because they minimize Bruxism. 

We want our patients to have various options so they can tailor the kind of TMJ Therapy in Oakville they get. 

Botox is another one of the options that you have for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). We’ve included it as another option you have with us because there’s growing evidence that it can help alleviate muscle-related symptoms like jaw tension and pain.

This product is often injected directly into certain muscles to relax them, decreasing contractions and alleviating pain and discomfort.

People always ask us what they can expect after undergoing either of our treatments. We are happy to tell them there are some typical results after TMJ therapy that include 

  • Pain relief in your jaw and the areas surrounding it.  The treatments we’ve described are excellent ways to correct alignment issues, reduce pressure on the TMJ itself, and even relax jaw muscles.
  • Patients can even regain normal jaw function after therapy.  Opening and closing their mouths again without pain allows them to eat, speak, and communicate.

There’s also a reduction in the kind of ear pain, neck pain, and headaches that come with TMJ disorders. Some therapies will provide you with immediate relief. However, the goal of these therapies is often the long-term management of your symptoms. 

Are You Looking For TMJ Therapy in Oakville?

Carma Dental ensures you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today if you’re looking for TMJ therapy in Oakville or other services. Our priority is to provide you with a high level of dental health for a lifetime. The professionals at Carma Dental are here to make sure that you feel and look your very best.

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